Pothos Plant - How/Why/Where to Grow

Pothos Plant - How/Why/Where to Grow

Today I'm introducing you to one of my favorite houseplants - the pothos! I guarantee you've seen it somewhere even if you didn't know the name. It's one of the most hardy, versatile plants you can grow and thrives in a variety of light conditions which makes it easy to grow. You may also hear this plant referred to as a philodendron, but although they do come from the same plant family they are different plants. Philodendron leaves are typically more heart-shaped, dark, and have a less obvious center vein. Both the pothos and philodendron are native to tropical climates and are very similar in looks and care requirements though, so even if you’re not sure which kind you have it’s probably fine!

You probably know someone who has a pothos and they're very easy to start from cuttings - yay free plants! They are the quintessential home/office plant and although probably not the most original choice - if you balance them with other options they can be a great addition to your home!

Pothos leaves tend to be more variegated and lighter when grown in bright light


  • Pothos grow well in low, indirect light but not zero light

  • They are naturally tropical plants so if you have light in a bathroom they love the humidity (although it's not necessary)

  • The leaves tend to be more variegated when the pothos gets more light - a low light pothos will typically have more solid green leaves.

  • The main issues with pothos tend to come from issues with water. I water mine thoroughly once a week to allow it to dry out a little in between waterings.

  • Pothos is listed as being poisonous to cats and dogs, so if your pets tend to go for houseplants keep this one out of reach.

  • Pothos can easily be propogated. Just cut ends with at least 4 leaves each and root them in water before planting. The stem the cuttings came from will start another shoot from the end and continue to grow.


  • If the leaves are yellow, you may be over-watering it or giving it too much sunshine

  • If the leaves are curling/wilting you may be under-watering it

  • If you totally forget to water it and the dirt is entirely dried out, the water will run straight through the dirt and your pothos will die. (Not that I have experience with this...) Simply fill a sink with water and set the pot in it for at least 5 minutes or until the dirt is soaked through. Allow it to drain and then put it back in its place and return to your normal watering schedule.

Pothos grows well in indirect light which makes it perfect for adding green at and above eye level

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